Identifying the causes and treatment of allergies is a complex task for the physician. Simultaneously with the direct allergens in the body is influenced by a variety of factors that modify the reactivity (the severity of the response to a stimulus) of the immune system. And various diseases can exacerbate or mask the symptoms of allergic reactions.
In order to make a correct diagnosis and to identify all the reasons that cause or maintain allergic reaction in the body, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of laboratory and instrumental methods of research. The Israeli clinics doctors can use:
- Skin tests to specific allergens (food, household, industrial).
- Breath tests.
- Bronchoprovocation tests with methacholine.
- Detailed biochemical blood tests, Allergy tests blood.
- Biopsy of the nasal mucosa, cytochemical study.
- X-ray and computed tomography of the chest, sinuses of the nose.
- Bronchoscopy.
Additionally can be used any methods necessary for examination of the gastrointestinal tract, identifying parasites, and other conditions that directly affect the reactivity of the organism.
Approaches to Allergy treatment in Israeli hospitals following:
- get rid of the source of allergies (cosmetics, pet, etc.);
- detection and treatment of diseases, which can provoke allergic reactions;
- selection of the optimal dose of antihistamine or hormonal therapy;
- desensibiliziruyuschee therapy (body injected small doses of the allergen so that the immune system is stopped giving on this substance allergic reaction).
Allergy treatment is possible in both adults and children of early age. As a predisposition to develop allergic reactions is passed from parent to child, number of children departments conducts prevention of allergies in children during pregnancy.
Clinics in this area
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