Diseases of the endocrine system are diverse. They are easy to diagnose with the right diagnostic equipment, but quite challenging in terms of treatment or correction of balance in the body.
Most endocrine diseases can lead to significant health problems and a number of complications, such as infertility, decreased visual acuity and blindness, impaired ability of the tissues to regenerate and reduce the body’s resistance to infections.
For accurate diagnosis are:
- determination of hormone levels in the blood plasma;
- tests for chromosomal and genetic disorders;
- magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
- needle biopsy study taken from the body cells;
- ultrasound diagnosis.
If there is suspicion of tumor in the endocrine glands, it is also can be used positron emission tomography, the definition in the blood of certain tumor markers and other necessary tests.
Treatment of endocrine diseases is chosen individually for each patient in order to impact not only on the problem of the body, but also on other organs and systems, which could be seriously affected by imbalances in the body.
Used for the treatment of:
- selection of diet, physiotherapy, balneotherapy, herbal therapy, therapeutic exercises;
- the use of drugs that compensate for the lack synthesized by endocrine glands substances;
- surgical methods of treatment using endoscopic techniques.
In endocrinologica offices Israeli hospitals can be tested and get help in such seemingly simple cases, such as obesity, when one does not help the ordinary diet and exercise.
Clinics in this area
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Compact insulin pump from the company ToucheMedical

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