Diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous system in adults often take a long chronic course, significantly degrade the quality of life, concerned about the manifestation of various symptoms and the violation of those or other functions.
Diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous system in adults often take a long chronic course, significantly degrade the quality of life, concerned about the manifestation of various symptoms and the violation of those or other functions. In children these disorders may affect the physical and intellectual development, learning skills and rules of life in society. Because it is so important for adults and children time to get professional help and adequate treatment of their illness.
For accurate diagnosis only little external examination. Often require complex high-tech research structures of the brain and spinal cord.
In Israeli hospitals for examination of patients can be used:
- a vascular ultrasound and brain structures;
- ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries with Doppler;
- electroencephalography;
- magnetic resonance, positron emission tomography, computed tomography;
- lumbar puncture with the definition of the cellular and biochemical composition of the liquor;
- the MRI.
For the treatment of neurological diseases in Israel applies:
- Selection of an adequate system of drug therapy.
- Physiotherapy and balneology procedures.
- Sparing endoscopic surgery of the brain and spinal cord.
- Large intervention to resolve aneurysms, hernias, injuries of the brain and spinal cord.
Important in the treatment of neurological diseases is not only the immediate treatment and full rehabilitation. Undergo a rehabilitation course for a full recovery of damaged functions can go in most clinics in Israel.
Clinics in this area
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