Diseases of the spine, bones, joints can cause a lot of difficulties and problems to the person. Even such a small change ligaments as heel spur can severely restrict freedom of movement and interfere with the plans.
Diseases of the spine, bones, joints can cause a lot of difficulties and problems to the person. Even such a small change ligaments as heel spur can severely restrict freedom of movement and interfere with the plans. If we talk about children, scoliosis and/or flatfoot everyone has a second child, and this state is as hip dysplasia is known to every mother. Any of these diseases can have an impact on the further growth and development of the skeleton, the condition of the bones and joints of the lower extremities. Scoliosis can lead to abnormal development of the chest, to increase the degree of myopia, to become one of the factors of formation of malocclusion in children. That’s why any of the diseases and changes in the structure and functioning of the musculoskeletal system requires attention and treatment.
For diagnosis and determination of the extent of violations in orthopedics apply:
x-ray examination;
- ultrasound of the joints;
- densitometry (the method of determining the density of bone tissue, needed for the diagnosis of osteoporosis);
- radioisotope research;
- arthroscopy;
- MRI, CT;
- biopsy specimens for histological evaluation method biopsy;
- a blood test for the determination of rheumatoid factor, LE cells, and other indicators of systemic connective tissue diseases.
Can be as conservative treatment of diseases of musculoskeletal system and surgical correction of existing violations.
The types of available surgical treatments include:
- Introduction in the articular cavity prosthesis joint fluid on the basis of hyaluronic acid;
- Endoscopic removal of foreign bodies joints, treatment for most minor injuries;
- The holding of open transactions for the treatment of injuries and diseases of bones and tendons;
- Surgical treatment of flat feet, much of the protruding bone on the foot;
- The use of techniques of osteosynthesis, skeletal traction.
In the recovery period, if necessary, use special tires, tires, Longuet, corsets, and a wide range of physiotherapeutic procedures.
Clinics in this area
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