Israeli medical researchers introduced the world to a completely new technology for diagnosing cervical cancer.
Traditional diagnostics
The usual procedure of diagnosis of cervical cancer is the collection of cells for analysis. Today, even in the best American and European clinics since the fence cytological material for the study and to obtain results, undergo a long period. For quite objective reasons, it is stretched from weeks to months. Due to the fact that this method of research involves several steps, consisting of colposcopy, biopsy or pathological studies.
Diagnosis within a few minutes
Developed by Israeli scientists device “Biop” allows you to perform such studies in just a few minutes. The use of the camera, replacing the mirror in the normal intake stroke, enables staff to gain a reasonably accurate picture of the material that is immediately sent to the study. And then, the word with technology: a detailed comparison of the image with analogues of healthy cells and cells at different stages of disease progression.
Testing device
Have the first test results of the invention. According to company representatives, the number of studies conducted in Western clinics, gave positive results, with an accuracy of up to 90 %. Moreover, one of the best clinics in the USA signed an agreement with the company on the financing of further development of the device.
The future for new technologies?
And yet, what are the advantages of this innovative technology. According to the medical conclusion the use of the unique capabilities of the Biop allows you to:
- to perform research in the shortest possible time;
- getting an accurate diagnosis even in rural areas, where there is no possibility of using complex and expensive equipment;
- deep analysis of this material by comparing it with the existing analogues and even to issue long-term prognosis of the disease.
So, this is quite a serious bid Israeli scientists to solve all the problems associated with the diagnosis of cervical cancer. And it is likely that this approach can completely replace the current method of research.