In the clinic «Rambam» — event! Here successfully conducted two thousand bone marrow transplantation. Experts in the field of transplantation believe this news is a real breakthrough.
The largest medical center Rambam in Israel opened its doors to patients from different countries with problems of bone marrow in 1995. Benjamin Brenner and Qili Zuckerman founded Hematology Department, as well as bone marrow transplantation center. Every year it is more than 150 patients.
In the jubilee day was a bone marrow transplant two patients. One transplantation was performed to the patient from a close relative, the second from a suitable donor. Other transplants also deserve respect. The process of engraftment and subsequent rehabilitation took place without complications.
The first patient of the medical center has not yet reached twenty-five years, but has been sick since childhood. The boy was born with a defect of education cells. His body was unable to resist infections, due to the fact that the immune system occasionally failed. Saving donor for him, was his younger brother.
After a successful transplant and rehabilitation for months, the patient was out of hospital with a good feeling. Observation of the process of implanting the bone marrow showed that the young man was completely restored the ability to produce white blood cells.
n the second case, the patient was diagnosed with leukemia. The patient’s age is 54 years. After successful transplantation of donor hematopoietic stem cells, the man also left the hospital in a good mood.
Statistics 1838 surgical interventions in the Department of bone marrow transplantation from opening branches in 2013 shows that acute lymphoblastic and myeloblastic leukemia caused transplantation in more than a third of cases. 30% of transplants were made in connection with the disease in lymphoma. Another 25% of operations were due to lesions of myeloma.
64% (1186 transplant) made a direct link was made on the basis of the healthy part of the bone marrow of the patient. The remaining 36% (652 operations) — this intervention, made possible by a suitable donor.
Thanks to the skilful hands of doctors medical center Rambam made possible the salvation of a large number of patients who suffer from diseases of the bone marrow.