Plastic surgery has long been tightly into our lives. Now to plastic surgeons to address not only women but also men whose status requires them to appropriate appearance.
Because plastic can be eliminated age-related changes, to correct the shortcomings of faces and figures, to restore tissue at the site of injury and conducted in emergency operations. Israeli doctors treat those who have already made herself a plastic surgery, but not satisfied with its result. There are also those patients who are interested in conducting intimate plastics.
Usually for plastic surgery is required to pass the examination of all organs and body systems in order to identify possible contraindications to surgery and General anesthesia.
In the list of required examinations include:
- urinalysis and blood;
- biochemical analysis of blood, determination of markers of viral hepatitis b and C, HIV, syphilis;
- triglycerides;
- electrocardiography;
- x-ray of the chest.
For those who are planning to hold a surgery on the genitals, it is also necessary to be examined by a gynecologist/urologist, to pass a special smears on flora.
If the patient has a chronic disease, the list of required tests may be extended at the discretion of the operating surgeon, physician or anesthesiologist, which necessarily advise customer prior to surgery.
The most important thing for patients who decide to undergo surgery, it is:
- an excellent aesthetic result;
- light rehabilitation period;
- at least scars;
- full responsibility of the physician and the hospital in case something goes wrong.
The list of possible operations that can hold plastic surgeons, truly great. This:
- transplantation of hair method odnovalentnykh grafts to get as close as possible to the natural result;
- transplantation of eyelashes and eyebrows;
- liposuction on the newest equipment;
- facelift pie, using endotinov;
- eyelid surgery and middle third of the face;
- changing the shape and size of the nose, ears;
- increase, decrease, shape correction, restoration of the mammary glands;
- plastic nipple, restoring the normal diameter of the areola, the elimination of tenutosi nipple;
- operation on the mammary glands in men with gynecomastia;
- tummy tuck, buttocks, and lower third of the back, hips;
- increase with silicone implants testicles, legs, buttocks, chest muscles in male mammary glands in women;
- resurfacing laser;
- the removal of tattoos;
- operation sex change.
During the recovery period to obtain the maximum result from the operation is assigned wearing compression underwear, where necessary, hardware procedures, such as LPG-massage, pressotherapy, special cold wraps to accelerate the resorption of swelling and bruising, accelerate healing and improve skin condition.
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