Author: maxim.gilyadov
Rheumatology is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of a number of systemic diseases of connective tissue, which affects the joints, blood vessels, heart, gastrointestinal …
Increasingly, heart disease and blood vessels occur in people at a young age. Increased blood pressure, arrhythmias and conduction, congenital and acquired heart defects require timely correction. Without treatment, …
Gynecological diseases deliver a large number of problems for the woman. They cause local symptoms and poor General health. And can also affect sexual relationship with your partner or …
Children do not apply those approaches to diagnosis and treatment that are suitable for adults. Children differently arranged metabolism, a number of organs and systems continue their development and …
In some cases, people turn to medical geneticists? When one or both parents in the pair has established a genetic disease. Or when a pregnant woman has an ultrasound …
Diseases of ENT-organs are dangerous because a long course of chronic inflammatory process weakens the body. The constant presence of the infection in the sinuses or any of the …
Gerontologists Israel believe that the prevention of aging can and should begin to engage with the turn of the 30th of age. Welcome bioregulators and other drugs, can prevent …
Plastic surgery has long been tightly into our lives. Now to plastic surgeons to address not only women but also men whose status requires them to appropriate appearance. Get …
Many of us do not know what is gastroenterology. In General, this branch of medicine that studies the digestive system diagnoses and treats all diseases in this direction. Unfortunately, …
Identifying the causes and treatment of allergies is a complex task for the physician. Simultaneously with the direct allergens in the body is influenced by a variety of factors …