Author: maxim.gilyadov
Diseases of the endocrine system are diverse. They are easy to diagnose with the right diagnostic equipment, but quite challenging in terms of treatment or correction of balance in …
Diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous system in adults often take a long chronic course, significantly degrade the quality of life, concerned about the manifestation of various symptoms …
Nothing is experienced by man as painful as the reduction and loss of vision. In the early stages of some diseases, such as cataract and glaucoma, it is possible …
Feature hematological diseases is the almost complete absence of symptoms in the early stages, the high probability of lethal outcome in delayed and/or incorrect treatment. Diagnostics In order to …
Institute of radiotherapy in state tel Aviv Sourasky medical center is one of the most developed and technologically advanced, not only in tel Aviv but also outside of Israel. …
Israel has long won the championship in the provision of quality medical services. To take advantage of services in the clinics with full package, it is necessary to have …
The Panasonic MCO-19M(UV) multi-gas incubator is designed for a wide array of demanding and highly regulated applications in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, medical research and clinical laboratory. Representing years of …
Israeli medical researchers introduced the world to a completely new technology for diagnosing cervical cancer. Traditional diagnostics The usual procedure of diagnosis of cervical cancer is the collection of …
Israeli doctors have successfully carried out the operation with one small incision. It was the next step in the effort to produce surgical intervention with the least traumatic outcome. …
Israeli doctors give hope that cancer can be defeated with the help of immunotherapy. This is possible due to the stimulation of the immune system to fight cancer tumors. …